Saturday, March 22, 2008

Cute picture! By Simon Chung. It was taken at the Book Club Cabaret Show, "Disappear Here", an awesome show based on the book of the month, which was Less Than Zero by Brett Easton Ellis.

The next one will be about Siddharta by Herman Hess. If you'd like to come, email me at and I'll let ya know when the time is time.

In other news, Easter is on Sunday. I'm not really religious, but I am Italian, and it is my culture and my upbringing to really like to eat chocolate and food and candy and eggs and especially deviled eggs. Mmmmm. I'm going to a party in a huge loft space in Brooklyn that my friend has lived in for 15 years. It's an amazing place and I wish that my friend was your friend so that you could go, too. Maybe she is, to some of you.

I'm gearing up for the big Thursday, April 3rd Naughty Nautical Night show, planning some big surprises and other dumb shit to knock your socks up into your asses. Hope you can make it!

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

GOI​​NG​S​ ON for​​ MAR​​CH​ and​​ APR​​IL​

TON​IGH​T!!​ Wed​. Mar​ch 19t​h

Che​ck out​ Ras​p Tho​rne​'s sho​w at DON​ PED​RO'​S in BRO​OKL​YN,​ 90 Man​hat​tan​ Ave​ bet​wee​n Boe​rum​ and​ McG​ibb​ons​. 10:​00 PM on.​ Lat​e fun​ on a Wed​nes​day​ nig​ht!​ Rasp is awesome.

I'l​l be doi​ng a set​ wit​h a BAC​KIN​G BAN​D! No,​ shi​t!

Del​fin​o's​ Doi​ng Bro​okl​yn AGA​IN and​ AGA​IN!​!

If you​ can​'t cat​ch ton​igh​t's​ sho​w, com​e see​ me Mon​day​, Mar​ch 24t​h at THE​ OTT​OMA​N LOU​NGE​ 318​ Gra​nd St @ Hav​eme​yer​, 10 PM,​ at the​ TRO​UBA​DOO​ sho​w.

And​ if you​ mis​s tha​t one​, the​re'​s alw​ays​ my

TWO​ FRI​DAY​S IN APR​IL:​ APR​IL 11t​h and​ APR​IL 25t​h sho​ws
@ Goo​dby​e Blu​e Mon​day​
The​ coo​les​t pla​ce in the​ wor​ld,​ ser​iou​sly​.
also performing: Dame Darcy
8 to 9 PM, SHARP.
8:00 Dame Darcy
9 PM Me, Jessica Delfino

I eve​n wro​te abo​ut Goodbye Blue Monday on my blo​g:


THE​ NEX​T Nau​ght​y Nau​tic​al Nig​ht is at THE​ SLI​PPE​R ROO​M on Thu​rsd​ay,​ Apr​il 3rd​. Doo​rs at 8, Sho​w at 9. Wit​h THE​ REA​L LIV​E DAM​E DAR​CY as co-​hos​t and​ co-​hor​t. Tha​t's​ rig​ht!​


Jes​sic​a Del​fin​o wil​l be in BOS​TON​ on APR​IL 9th​ wit​h STR​IPP​ED STO​RIE​S, Giu​lia​ Roz​zi and​ Mar​got​ Lei​tma​n. Che​ck it out​!


Nau​ght​y Nau​tic​al Nig​ht is see​kin​g sex​y sai​lor​, sir​en and​ sea​ the​med​ act​s for​ the​ May​ "FL​EET​ WEE​K" sho​w. If you​ are​ a sex​y lad​ or las​s and​ wan​t to sha​ke tha​t a$$​ or do som​e cre​ati​ve kin​d of mus​ica​l act​ or set​ up a car​niv​al boo​th / tab​le or eve​nt (fo​r exa​mpl​e, spa​nk the​ pir​ate​ wen​ch)​ for​ the​ Nav​y boy​s NNN​ sho​w, ema​il me ASA​P at jes​sde​lfi​no@​yah​oo.​com​.


My alb​um'​s rel​eas​e dat​e is MAY​ 1st​...​!!!​! A New​ Eng​lan​d tou​r is to fol​low​ in Jun​e and​ stu​fff​ff.​


Dam​e Dar​cy is bac​k in NYC​. We'​ll be doi​ng a RED​UX Dou​ble​ D roc​k sho​w (Th​e Dam​e and​ The​ Del​fin​o) at Bow​ery​ Poe​try​ Clu​b, 308​ Bow​ery​, Apr​il 4th​ alo​ng wit​h som​e oth​er koo​ky mus​ica​l act​s. MID​NIG​HT.​ Wri​te tha​t shi​t dow​n!


Del​fin​o is on WIK​IPE​DIA​!!

www​. wik​ipe​dia​. com​/wi​ki/​jes​sic​a_d​elf​ino​


If you are a drum machine expert, a small drum pad whiz, or play some kind of kooky electronic percussion, please get in touch with me IMMEDIATELY because I want you to play on my CD and in my musical comedy rock shows.


My mom​ is tur​nin​g 50 on May​ 1st​. Don​'t hav​e a poe​m? Jus​t lik​e to sen​d car​ds?​ Thi​nk thi​s cou​ld be a fun​ lit​tle​ dis​tra​cti​on fro​m you​r nor​mal​ lif​e act​ivi​tie​s? All​ goo​d rea​son​s to wri​te her​ a bir​thd​ay poe​m, dra​w her​ a pic​tur​e, sen​d a pos​t car​d fro​m you​r cit​y, or sen​d her​ a car​d, c/o​ me.​ You​ can​ sen​d all​ my mom​'s bir​thd​ay car​ds to:​

Hap​py Bir​thd​ay Mom​
c/o​ Jes​sic​a Del​fin​o
77 All​en St.​ #6B​
NY,​ NY 100​02

I tho​ugh​t it'​d be fun​ to giv​e her​ a ton​ of awe​som​e car​ds fro​m str​ang​ers​ all​ ove​r the​ wor​ld so sen​d it SOO​N!!​!

Tha​nks​ and​ lov​e and​ oth​er shi​t, too​!

Jes​sic​a Del​fin​o

...the coolest "junk shop" in all the land?

If not, jump on the JMZ and get off at the Jefferson stop. You might get a little scared, the neighborhood is still "New York-y". But a few blocks down, there it is -- a mecca for talented unknowns. A haven for pretty Brooklynites and people from other boroughs bold enough to brave the public transportation system. An oasis for the thirsty, the strange, and the cool. My favorite hang in NYC.

This place is a coffee shop, music venue and neighborhood joint featuring thrift-store chic / victorian / era-gone-by decor and
a vibe so comfortable, cozy and lovely the only other place I've ever felt it was at my grandmother's house. If I describe your business or home as "like my grandmother's house" that is the utmost highest compliment that I can give.

Congratulations, GBM, for being so fucking god damn awesome.

I'll be performing there April 11th and 25th with my band. Come check this amazing magical way out place out.

And be their friends!!!

Saturday, March 8, 2008

Read all about my victory at the amazing Arlene's Gong Show in that old rag, NY PRESS

Then, lucky for me and all of you, there was this other article link on the same page as the above about Tim Minchin, my only "celebrity" crush...the article wasn't too informative because the journalist made a mistake with his tape recorder so he didn't actually record the interview, but Tim Minchin should be a super star the proportions of Billy Joel within, oh, about five minutes.

And here's an art exhibit that might very well get the Catholic League's dirty panties all scrunchy and frothing: The Assassination of Barack and Hillary Due to the sensitive nature of this exhibit, on-lookers must set up appointments to see the work. Cool!

Did you miss Naughty Nautical Night at The Slipper Room? Naughty, naughty and you suck. But fret not. The next NNN is on April 3rd and that is just around the corner. This nautical themed cabaret show was hosted by myself and "Dame Darcy". Second mates wanted!! If you have a nautical themed act or just want to dress up like a sailor or a pirate, let these bitches know...

Pictured here: Stage Manager Wendi The Pirate Wench and "Dame Darcy" (Adam Lerman) get ready to practice sapphic love back stage

This strapping young med student takes a break from driving his yacht to stop in to the NNN

First (band) mate Patrick gets ready to squeak out some serious Popeye riffs for the adoring audience

Stage Manager Wendi The Pirate Wench and Dame Darcy (Adam Lerman) get ready to go backstage and practice sapphic love

See those curvaceous hips and plush thighs? Thank you, fish and chips

Monday, March 3, 2008

This photo was taken in Edinburgh Scotland. Gorgeous!! I mean me. Just kidding, I mean the rainbows!


Where do I begin?

My lovely little video "I Wanna Be Famous", animated by Nick Fox-Gieg has been taking the children's entertainment world by storm as it is being screened in the NY International Children's Film Festival. I still can't believe it was accepted into a children's film festival. But it was screened in the "Shorts For Teens" portion of the fest, along with short films that covered lesbian and mental retardation themes. Wow! Not your mother's children's film festival, huh? The festival programmer told me that he didn't believe in playing down to children, but he did insist that during my Q & A I not play any "vagina or penis songs", not that I was going to! At the screening on Saturday Night at the Cantor Film Center, I was delighted to a cheering and applauding audience, full of adulation for "I Wanna Be Famous". After the screening, Nick and I did the Q & A for a packed audience full of children and their parents. True to my word, after telling the children that they shouldn't kill anyone til AFTER they finish school, and to never kill artists, I played two very kid-friendly songs -- "Happy Bears", a song about bears eating hippies in Vermont which I not only played in The Rachel Trachtenburg Morning Show in the Edinburgh Fringe Festival as a regular segment, but it was called "my favorite part of the show" by a journalist who gave the show 5 stars. Then, I played "Famous" again for the audience, live. The kids asked the toughest questions, such as, "If you were going to kill somebody important, who would you kill?"


I answered, "I don't actually condone killing anyone, famous or not, but if I were to kill somebody important, it would be someone whose name rhymes with Morge Mush. Stay in school."

After the show, many kids and parents came up to greet me and buy my CD!! Kids came up and played my guitar and sang my song back to me. I think I have found a new market. Awesome!

You can find out more about the festival here:

In other news...

I went to a terrific dumpling making party on Saturday night. Mmmmmm!! Imagine -- a party where you have to make your own dinner. Brilliant! I drank too much sake and wound up going to bed drunk.

And on Sunday I had fun with NY Post photographer Nick Brooks and journalist Ben as I posed for a shoot in the subway station near my apartment and gave them my two cents on the fare hike. See me trashing the MTA in Monday or Tuesday's paper!

Sunday night I participated in The Gong Show at Arlene's Grocery, a show where performers compete for $100. And guess who won? Not me. Just kidding! Me!! It was some pretty stiff competition, literally, as hot men and women alike stripped, played guitar, did comedy and otherwise entertained the interactive audience and judges. I walked out of there with $100 in cold hard casharoni.

Finally, The Naughty Nautical Night Cabaret Show is right around the corner THIS THURSDAY, MARCH 6th at 8 PM at The Slipper Room. The show is going to be fun-filled with more entertainment than you can shake a drunken sailor at. There will be music, a short film, comedy, burlesque, go-go dancers, hot sailor boys, sea sluts, pirate wenches, sea monster making, sea snacks and treats, ocean themed debauchery, songs of the sea, DJ, dancing and crustaceans galore. Come in costume. The show starts at 9, dancing goes from midnight til 3 am. Come along and tap to the beat of the rhythm of the night on your sea legs. Dress to impress in your best aquatic gear. $5. Hosted by myself and Dame Darcy, premiere victorian witch princess of the world and illustrator of the famous "MEATCAKE" cartoon. A new show every month.

8 PM
167 Orchard Street
Corner of Orchard and Stanton
F to 2nd Ave

See you there!!!