Monday, June 21, 2010


Monday, June 21 * 4-7 PM

Come one, come all to the free HAUNTED PICNIC at the NY MARBLE CEMETERY, located at 41 ½ 2nd Avenue between 2nd & 3rd Streets in Manhattan.

Every year, in celebration of the Make Music New York festival -- a city wide day of live music on the streets of all 5 boroughs -- and in honor of the deceased, musician JESSICA DELFINO presents an afternoon of picnic-snacks and performances on the lush green acre tucked down a hidden alley in the NY MARBLE CEMETERY. Oft sealed with a foreboding wrought iron gate, the cemetery is generally closed to the public, so the HAUNTED PICNIC is a great chance to visit this beautiful square of land, untouched by the hands of time (albeit surrounded by signs of it) and located right in the heart of the EAST VILLAGE. This event takes place RAIN or SHINE.

With a variety of musical guests playing guitar, ukulele and more -- acoustic only, to protect the fragile stones from loud vibrations -- home-made snacks, beverages and even flowering and berry bearing trees – all MUST HAVES for any HAUNTED PICNIC!

Attendees often wear white, bring blankets, books, their own snacks or simply a curious mind, lie back and listen to the music.

The NY MARBLE CEMETERY holds ancestors of New York City – ships captains, sea merchants and their families. No person can be lain to rest there unless they are a descendant of those who currently reside there. Our host and caretaker, Carolyn, is one such person, and she will be onsite to answer questions. The MARBLE CEMETERY is also used for events, such as weddings, parties and even movie sets. You can read more about the NY MARBLE CEMETERY here:

This event is OPEN TO THE PUBLIC and fun for the whole family. Bring granny and the kids! Admission is FREE, snacks and beverages are on sale for modest prices, or bring your own, but please NO GLASS ALLOWED in the cemetery. We do hope to see you there MONDAY JUNE 21st from 4-7 PM!





Tibbie X and Kenny Young of X-Possibles sing rockin-Zombie-blues

Kyle Thompson sings wily-emo indie songs

The Pride of the Lower East Side recants spooky spoken historical stories, accompanied by Sam from Wombat in Combat/Team Spider

Lady charmer Isaac Gut plays and sings like a young Jackson Browne

Dr. Steamwhipple will amaze you with his classical guitar stylings and his fire fingers

Jessica Delfino presents a rare all-ages set of folk music "gone wrong", including songs about unicorns and what not, played on guitar, ukulele and electronic autoharp (Q-chord)

..and some other special drop-in (living) guests!

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