Saturday, November 22, 2003


This is a song that I wrote for a friend of mine who is about to finish college and move to Massachusetts. He is an extremely talented and funny writer/performer and he never gets on stage anymore because he works so hard in school. I am very proud of him for getting a degree, I think everyone should go to college, but only because you can learn stuff that can be applied in a creative manner to the world around you. For example, if you go to school for art, which I did, then you can use those skills to make art. If you go to school for pipe fittery, which I didn't, then hopefully you can use those skills to make a pipe sculpture or weld something interesting or do some kind of pipe fittery dance, perhaps even write a musical about pipe fitting! So, you know who you are, Josh, this song is for you.

You're Wasting Your Life

You got a BA in interdisciplinary studies
Now you're moving to Amherst to live in a place with a yard
You've got talent and you're squandering it
don't you know that's really fucking gay of you to do?

You're wasting your life
You're wasting your life
You're wasting your life, hey hey hey!
That's okay, not okay.

You say that rent's to high to live in New York
You've got to take your new degree and go put it to work
at a job doing something stupid every day
while your talent slowly dies and withers away

You're wasting your life
You're wasting your life
You're wasting your life, hey hey hey!
That's okay! Super gay!

You probably never even appreciated art
You probably just did it so that you could get laid
Now that school is almost over and you had lots of tang
You're gonna move to Massachusetts and get boring and fat

You're wasting your life
You're wasting your life
You're wasting your life, hey hey hey,
that's okay. Waste away.

So go and buy some neckties and a few pair of slacks
Make sure you get a briefcase and package of pens
Find yourself a nice girl to whom you can relate
You're fine with mediocrity because you are lamer than lame

You're wasting your life
You're wasting your life
You're wasting your life
hey hey hey,
(spoken) You know what? It's not okay, you fucking nerd

You should be writing and performing
performing and writing
You're smart and you're funny
and god damn enlightening

So stop being a lazy, fat, fat, lazy fag
and fucking do something good with yourself!

You're wasting your life
You're wasting your life
You're wa-sting your life.....
hey, hey, hey, hey, hey hey,
I'd rather see you get run over by a car
then watch you turn into a boring loser

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