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WORDS with Jessica Delfino
Episode 1: How To Fix The Economy
JESSICA’S CHEST of treasures
Episode 1: featuring Flying V Ukelele, Pink Gay Prison Uniform, Ms. Puss
TODAY, Monday:
Triviariety @ Lucky Cheng’s 1st Ave at 1st St.
7 PM
Inner Monologues @ Bar on A, Ave A at 10th St.
Cinekink Festival –
Wed – Sat:
Synesthesia @ Wild Project, 195 E. 3rd St.
Fancy cool performance art show – fortune cookie meets telephone meets variety show.
March 4 – Jessica Delfino Dirty Folk Rock Show
Episode 3: Mythical Creatures Can Teach You Things
Mike Albo, Dave Hill, Nicky Sunshine, Hand Cancel, Aswad and more
8 PM, $5, Santos Party House, 100 Lafayette at Canal.
Other news:
JD DFR – Episode 3 will probably be the last show unless the show at Santos Party House goes great. Shows at Slipper Room have been amazing but they will be focusing on burlesque now Tue – Sat and so I am moving to a new location. They said I can still do shows on Sunday night but I liked being on Thursday. Plus, JD DFR is a lot of work and I do it all myself. I had a great time with the show, thanks for being part of it! Of course, I’ll still be performing all the time.
I’m going to UK for Reading & Leeds Festival, Latitude Festival and a few other stops. Will keep ya posted!
Keep your eyes out for interviews in ArtNet and Calm Magazine. Will send out when they are done.
It’s great to know you. Thanks for helping me get THIS far. If it weren’t for you all, I’d be slinging burgers in a very fancy restaurant.
Kind regards,
Ms. Delfino
"[A] comedy rock star. . . brilliant comedian/musician Jessy Delfino."
"Jessica Delfino has sang, danced, and comedianed her way to LES notoriety--some feat." --Time Out New York
See more press at
Thurs. 3/4 @ 8 PM -- Dirty Folk Rock Show -- all new kids show for adults!
Santos Party House with Dave Hill, Mike Albo and more...awesome. $5.
Wed. 3/11 @ 10 PM -- Skits N Tits -- comedy sketches & burlesque, like peanut butter and chocolate. 308 Bowery. $5 --
Monday, February 23, 2009
A review from a Myspace friend in Ohio. I can't help but be flattered and touched by his encouragement!! If there were more people in the world like him, I'd have my own show on TV by now. Thanks for writing this, Andy. You should be my new fan club president, MISTER!!
Friday, February 20, 2009
#1 Friend 2/20/09 Jessic Delfino
What can I say about Jessica Delfino that others haven't already said? The gal has got talent. Mad skills all over the place. She can sing, is funny as all get out and as she puts it "can kinda sorta play guitar" (a complete under estimation of her abilities by the way). I think that her act is hilarious and find her to be fascinating and brave. Doesn't hurt that she's gorgeous either. I would be a helpless groupie but thankfully I live too far away for such nonsense...
Jessica has been doing her style of "Dirty Folk Rock" comedy for some time now, but caught some media attention when her awesome video for "My Pussy Is Magic" started getting passed around online, becoming one of those must see viral clips. Jaw dropping in it's audaciousness the song and video refuses to let you get away alive. You have to laugh it just how outrageous it is and give a tip of the hat to her for having the "balls" to do it all. The Catholic Legion of Decency decried Delfino for her work and You Tube eventually pulled the clip the day they were bought by Google, which also happened to be the day made it their clip of the day.
But Delfino and her comedy is all about taking on subjects that are taboo and bringing them into the light and laughing about them. Her song "Don't Rape Me" played entirely on a Rape Whistle is a hysterical wake up call, while "I'm Saving This Rape For Someone Who Loves Me" slides down a sliperly slope of satire that not everyone will get. Her song "I Want To Be Famous" talks about wanting to kill someone to become someone important and could easily be the John Hinkley story from a female pop persepctive. But her style is so upbeat and fun that you never feel the sting of the material and that is her genius. She can get to you were you live and make you feel great about it.
In recent years tons of hype and praise has been slathered on comedian Sara Silverman who had, at least for a while become the media's darling of comedians. Personally I think Jessica Delfino has everything the critics claimed Silverman has and more. I personally think she deserves the success that Silverman has had.
So let's do something about this and spread the word. She'd got two fantastic CD's out and does regular shows in NY and elsewhere. She's my Number One friend right now, so go check her out!
7:55 PM0 Comments0 Kudos (Give Kudos)
A review from a Myspace friend in Ohio. I can't help but be flattered and touched by his encouragement!! If there were more people in the world like him, I'd have my own show on TV by now. Thanks for writing this, Andy. You should be my new fan club president, MISTER!!
Friday, February 20, 2009
#1 Friend 2/20/09 Jessic Delfino
What can I say about Jessica Delfino that others haven't already said? The gal has got talent. Mad skills all over the place. She can sing, is funny as all get out and as she puts it "can kinda sorta play guitar" (a complete under estimation of her abilities by the way). I think that her act is hilarious and find her to be fascinating and brave. Doesn't hurt that she's gorgeous either. I would be a helpless groupie but thankfully I live too far away for such nonsense...
Jessica has been doing her style of "Dirty Folk Rock" comedy for some time now, but caught some media attention when her awesome video for "My Pussy Is Magic" started getting passed around online, becoming one of those must see viral clips. Jaw dropping in it's audaciousness the song and video refuses to let you get away alive. You have to laugh it just how outrageous it is and give a tip of the hat to her for having the "balls" to do it all. The Catholic Legion of Decency decried Delfino for her work and You Tube eventually pulled the clip the day they were bought by Google, which also happened to be the day made it their clip of the day.
But Delfino and her comedy is all about taking on subjects that are taboo and bringing them into the light and laughing about them. Her song "Don't Rape Me" played entirely on a Rape Whistle is a hysterical wake up call, while "I'm Saving This Rape For Someone Who Loves Me" slides down a sliperly slope of satire that not everyone will get. Her song "I Want To Be Famous" talks about wanting to kill someone to become someone important and could easily be the John Hinkley story from a female pop persepctive. But her style is so upbeat and fun that you never feel the sting of the material and that is her genius. She can get to you were you live and make you feel great about it.
In recent years tons of hype and praise has been slathered on comedian Sara Silverman who had, at least for a while become the media's darling of comedians. Personally I think Jessica Delfino has everything the critics claimed Silverman has and more. I personally think she deserves the success that Silverman has had.
So let's do something about this and spread the word. She'd got two fantastic CD's out and does regular shows in NY and elsewhere. She's my Number One friend right now, so go check her out!
7:55 PM0 Comments0 Kudos (Give Kudos)
Ever Wanted To Plant A Tree Near Your House...
...but had no idea how to go about it? My friend D. found this link
and sent it to me and some other friends. I went to it and filled it out,
it took about 5 seconds and was very easy. Click on the screen shot below to plant a tree in any of the 5 boroughs.
...but had no idea how to go about it? My friend D. found this link
and sent it to me and some other friends. I went to it and filled it out,
it took about 5 seconds and was very easy. Click on the screen shot below to plant a tree in any of the 5 boroughs.

JESSICA'S CHEST...of treasures
This is a new mini-series I've been working on with Peter Bernard. It's called "Jessica's Chest...of treasures" and features
me showing and yapping about all the trinkets and treasures I've acquired in my various adventures. I have a LOT
of them!!
I hope you enjoy it -- it features my pink flying V ukelele and the song "CHINATOWN" which a lot of people like.
And especially, it stars Ms. Puss, my adorable kitty kat. And a pink gay prison uniform.
Stick THIS in your pipe and take a puff...
This is a new mini-series I've been working on with Peter Bernard. It's called "Jessica's Chest...of treasures" and features
me showing and yapping about all the trinkets and treasures I've acquired in my various adventures. I have a LOT
of them!!
I hope you enjoy it -- it features my pink flying V ukelele and the song "CHINATOWN" which a lot of people like.
And especially, it stars Ms. Puss, my adorable kitty kat. And a pink gay prison uniform.
Stick THIS in your pipe and take a puff...
Friday, February 20, 2009
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
featuring Jessica Delfino, Rob Paravonian, Audrey Crabtree, Diane O'Debra,
Steph Sabelli, Angry Bob, Junkbeat (from Amsterdam), Hilary Schwartz and more.
8 PM
AT Glasslands, Kent @ N. 2nd.
L to Bedford
TONITE, Feb. 18
Make overs! Cardboard fashion show! Music! Comedy! Puppets! Silliness! kids show for adults! Awesome! See you there.
featuring Jessica Delfino, Rob Paravonian, Audrey Crabtree, Diane O'Debra,
Steph Sabelli, Angry Bob, Junkbeat (from Amsterdam), Hilary Schwartz and more.
8 PM
AT Glasslands, Kent @ N. 2nd.
L to Bedford
TONITE, Feb. 18
Make overs! Cardboard fashion show! Music! Comedy! Puppets! Silliness! kids show for adults! Awesome! See you there.
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
This was for yesterday, Monday, starring me as CALLIE. Every day, you learn a new
piece of trivia that happened on THAT DATE in history.
WHAT HAPPENED YESTERDAY? Aren't you dying to find out? If so, just click PLAY.
And stay tuned for "JESSICA'S CHEST" -- my new segment on The 209 Show where
I share fabulous treasures I have lurking around my home, and tell the stories of
where they came from.
This was for yesterday, Monday, starring me as CALLIE. Every day, you learn a new
piece of trivia that happened on THAT DATE in history.
WHAT HAPPENED YESTERDAY? Aren't you dying to find out? If so, just click PLAY.
And stay tuned for "JESSICA'S CHEST" -- my new segment on The 209 Show where
I share fabulous treasures I have lurking around my home, and tell the stories of
where they came from.
I love performing around NYC. Almost every night, it's a new adventure in a new space. Some spaces are grungy dives in basements, packed with smartly dressed, disaffected college students. Other spaces are polished lounges with two drink minimums and costly door covers. Then there are even other, stranger spaces -- roof tops, sidewalks, boats, grave yards, park benches, hotel rooms, subway cars and more, where I have the opportunity to perform for people who want to be entertained as well as people who don't want to be spoken to or looked at in any capacity.
There used to be a show in a laundry mat in the Lower East Side, Suds and Yuks or something, it was called. What will be the next odd show spot? A pool? A jacuzzi? A hot dog cart?
Performing in the subway can be rewarding. I haven't done it for awhile because it's scary sometimes, and I heard that you breathe in iron dust from the subways if you're down there for too long. Not to mention I even more recently heard that the wooden benches have bed bugs on them. And even worse, they're made out of rainforest wood. (For some reason it's really cheap to buy? And supposedly NYC is one of the biggest users of rainforest wood!!??)
Last night, I performed twice. I performed at a comedy club uptown called Stand Up NY in a show, "Music Is A Joke" where I got voted off the show after 4 weeks of hanging in there. After that show, I went to the Bowery Poetry Club, one of my favorite spots. That place is great for performing because it has great sound, a knowledgeable dedicated tech person and tech set up, including a large video screen that can play DVDs, etc., a big, nice stage, a large backstage, a piano on the stage, and all the other things any performer may fancy.
On Wednesday, I'll perform my Jessica Delfino Dirty Folk Rock Show Episode 2 (live re-run) at Glasslands. I've never performed there before, but it's in Brooklyn. It's a lovely cave-like space with a loft thing where audience members can get a bird's eye view of what is happening. The last time I was there, I saw a macaroni and cheese competition.
Performing in NYC is more fun than performing anywhere else in the world. But I'd rather perform once a week in Idaho then never perform at all!
I love performing around NYC. Almost every night, it's a new adventure in a new space. Some spaces are grungy dives in basements, packed with smartly dressed, disaffected college students. Other spaces are polished lounges with two drink minimums and costly door covers. Then there are even other, stranger spaces -- roof tops, sidewalks, boats, grave yards, park benches, hotel rooms, subway cars and more, where I have the opportunity to perform for people who want to be entertained as well as people who don't want to be spoken to or looked at in any capacity.
There used to be a show in a laundry mat in the Lower East Side, Suds and Yuks or something, it was called. What will be the next odd show spot? A pool? A jacuzzi? A hot dog cart?
Performing in the subway can be rewarding. I haven't done it for awhile because it's scary sometimes, and I heard that you breathe in iron dust from the subways if you're down there for too long. Not to mention I even more recently heard that the wooden benches have bed bugs on them. And even worse, they're made out of rainforest wood. (For some reason it's really cheap to buy? And supposedly NYC is one of the biggest users of rainforest wood!!??)
Last night, I performed twice. I performed at a comedy club uptown called Stand Up NY in a show, "Music Is A Joke" where I got voted off the show after 4 weeks of hanging in there. After that show, I went to the Bowery Poetry Club, one of my favorite spots. That place is great for performing because it has great sound, a knowledgeable dedicated tech person and tech set up, including a large video screen that can play DVDs, etc., a big, nice stage, a large backstage, a piano on the stage, and all the other things any performer may fancy.
On Wednesday, I'll perform my Jessica Delfino Dirty Folk Rock Show Episode 2 (live re-run) at Glasslands. I've never performed there before, but it's in Brooklyn. It's a lovely cave-like space with a loft thing where audience members can get a bird's eye view of what is happening. The last time I was there, I saw a macaroni and cheese competition.
Performing in NYC is more fun than performing anywhere else in the world. But I'd rather perform once a week in Idaho then never perform at all!
Friday, February 13, 2009
This link will not be up for long...just a little sneak of what you missed (or maybe what you
witnessed) me and my mom singing Diana Ross together!!!
This link will not be up for long...just a little sneak of what you missed (or maybe what you
witnessed) me and my mom singing Diana Ross together!!!
This cute idea combines 3-D animation with sexy flying avatar ladies who tell you trivia factoids for every day of the week with weekends off to re-do their makeup or drink at cyber bars or do whatever sexy flying avatars do when they get a break.
Featuring the voices of Jane Pear, Michelle Carlo, Rosie Rebel and myself, these little 3-D creepazoids
tell you stuff you may have already known but probably didn't know. The writing is pretty cute and fun
and you will definitely pick up a fact or two. If you're a trivia lover, you will dig CALGAL.
Animated and written by Peter Bernard. My little monsterette is a Southern Belle named Callie. Check it
out every day and learn something new!!
You can also visit the website here, at to see back dated CALGALS.
In other news, if you missed last night's Dirty Folk Rock Show, you have a chance to see it again, next Wed. Feb. 18th and
then it will be gone, like a comet, and you will probably never get to see it live again. I will be putting up some pictures and reviews of the show after Feb. 18th.
Next Dirty Folk Rock kids show for adults, March 4th, 8 PM at Santos Party House, 100 Lafayette at Canal. $5.
This cute idea combines 3-D animation with sexy flying avatar ladies who tell you trivia factoids for every day of the week with weekends off to re-do their makeup or drink at cyber bars or do whatever sexy flying avatars do when they get a break.
Featuring the voices of Jane Pear, Michelle Carlo, Rosie Rebel and myself, these little 3-D creepazoids
tell you stuff you may have already known but probably didn't know. The writing is pretty cute and fun
and you will definitely pick up a fact or two. If you're a trivia lover, you will dig CALGAL.
Animated and written by Peter Bernard. My little monsterette is a Southern Belle named Callie. Check it
out every day and learn something new!!
You can also visit the website here, at to see back dated CALGALS.
In other news, if you missed last night's Dirty Folk Rock Show, you have a chance to see it again, next Wed. Feb. 18th and
then it will be gone, like a comet, and you will probably never get to see it live again. I will be putting up some pictures and reviews of the show after Feb. 18th.
Next Dirty Folk Rock kids show for adults, March 4th, 8 PM at Santos Party House, 100 Lafayette at Canal. $5.
Tuesday, February 10, 2009

I made it to the next round in the MUSIC IS A JOKE competition. There is a good chance that this show will eventually get developed into a television show. I hope to see you there next week. But in the meantime, please enjoy this photograph of me dressed like a human ass, er, I mean a beautiful unicorn!!
To hear the unicorn song live, come to SKITS N TITS at 308 Bowery this WED at 10 PM. OR come to the MARCH Jessica Delfino Dirty Folk Rock kids show for adults MARCH 4 at Santos Party House for Episode 3: Mythical Creatures Can Teach You Things.
To see the video of me playing the song, you can go to and look for it there in a few days. Don't forget to vote for ME, ME, ME!!!
Monday, February 9, 2009
shows this week, new songs, new stuffs
GREAT SHOWS THIS WEEK!! For YOU!!! Happy Valentine's Day. What did you get me?
TONITE: See the music comedy reality show live at 8, 78th & Broadway at Stand Up NY, or go NOW to vote for me at I wrote and sang a song about "Interracial Cop Friends". Go there to listen / see the video, scroll all the way down to vote. Thanks!! I'm competing for a cool grand. Come tonite if you want to hear my new song about UNICORNS.
WEDNESDAY, see me at the FABULOUS Skits N Tits hosted by Jena Friedman with sketches by FFF (Diane O'Debra, Steph Sabelli and me) and tons of lovely ladies, boobies, funny stuff, videos, it will be truly AWESOME. New songs, new sketches, great stuff. 10 PM. 308 Bowery @ 1st St. And I know myspace is the old Facebook, but join us there anyway (and see one of our new videos):
(If you want to see one JD show this week and can't make it Thurs, COME TO THIS.)
AND THEN THIS THURSDAY, (I'm so excited!!)
The Jessica Delfino Dirty Folk Rock Show
a kids show for adults
Episode 2: Fashion Week: It's Important To Be Beautiful
Slipper Room
167 Orchard St. @ Stanton
10 PM
Next WED, Feb. 18
@ Glasslands
n. 2nd @ Kent, Williamsburg
8 PM
Hosted by Jessica Delfino
Performances by Carla Rhodes, Victor Varnado, Rosie Rebel, dream come true girl make overs by World Famous *BOB*, news commentary by CNN's ANGRY BOB and a new video by NEWSJAM, fashion show by Louis V. Carton and Blue (the hottest in cardboard fashions) hair and make up by Hella Fabulous, special guest appearances by Audrey Crabtree, Hilary Schwartz, Clell Tickle, Steph Sabelli, Faux Maux, Aswad, Rachel Trachtenburg (?) and more!
THIS FRIDAY: BEATDOWN @ UCB -- Eliza Skinner and Shockwave's comedian beat boxing competition. Doesn't that sound awesome? 11 PM, $5
"[A] comedy rock star. . . brilliant comedian/musician Jessy Delfino."
"Jessica Delfino has sang, danced, and comedianed her way to LES notoriety--some feat." --Time Out New York
See more press at
shows this week, new songs, new stuffs
GREAT SHOWS THIS WEEK!! For YOU!!! Happy Valentine's Day. What did you get me?
TONITE: See the music comedy reality show live at 8, 78th & Broadway at Stand Up NY, or go NOW to vote for me at I wrote and sang a song about "Interracial Cop Friends". Go there to listen / see the video, scroll all the way down to vote. Thanks!! I'm competing for a cool grand. Come tonite if you want to hear my new song about UNICORNS.
WEDNESDAY, see me at the FABULOUS Skits N Tits hosted by Jena Friedman with sketches by FFF (Diane O'Debra, Steph Sabelli and me) and tons of lovely ladies, boobies, funny stuff, videos, it will be truly AWESOME. New songs, new sketches, great stuff. 10 PM. 308 Bowery @ 1st St. And I know myspace is the old Facebook, but join us there anyway (and see one of our new videos):
(If you want to see one JD show this week and can't make it Thurs, COME TO THIS.)
AND THEN THIS THURSDAY, (I'm so excited!!)
The Jessica Delfino Dirty Folk Rock Show
a kids show for adults
Episode 2: Fashion Week: It's Important To Be Beautiful
Slipper Room
167 Orchard St. @ Stanton
10 PM
Next WED, Feb. 18
@ Glasslands
n. 2nd @ Kent, Williamsburg
8 PM
Hosted by Jessica Delfino
Performances by Carla Rhodes, Victor Varnado, Rosie Rebel, dream come true girl make overs by World Famous *BOB*, news commentary by CNN's ANGRY BOB and a new video by NEWSJAM, fashion show by Louis V. Carton and Blue (the hottest in cardboard fashions) hair and make up by Hella Fabulous, special guest appearances by Audrey Crabtree, Hilary Schwartz, Clell Tickle, Steph Sabelli, Faux Maux, Aswad, Rachel Trachtenburg (?) and more!
THIS FRIDAY: BEATDOWN @ UCB -- Eliza Skinner and Shockwave's comedian beat boxing competition. Doesn't that sound awesome? 11 PM, $5
"[A] comedy rock star. . . brilliant comedian/musician Jessy Delfino."
"Jessica Delfino has sang, danced, and comedianed her way to LES notoriety--some feat." --Time Out New York
See more press at
Thursday, February 5, 2009
This song is called, "Interracial Cop Friends" and was my entry for last week's
"MUSIC IS A JOKE" musical comedy competition at Stand Up NY.
I put in my all and my best. I also wore a nice striped jacket to show that I'm serious
about what I do for a living. And hey, it worked. I made it to the next round!
Next week's theme is HARRY POTTER. Stupid theme! Let's see what I can do with it.
In the meantime, please go to this website and VOTE FOR ME if you love me. You don't have
to watch the whole video, just scroll down to the bottom and vote for me, unless you want
to hear my new song about "Interracial Cop Friends" that I wrote on my flying V ukelele.
I hope ya like it, I wrote it with love in my heart as my contribution to race relations on planet Earth.
If you want to come see the show next Monday, it's at 8:30 at Stand Up NY, 78th and Broadway.
It's free to get in if you say you voted, but you still have to buy a coupla drinks which might run you
about 20 smackers. But I don't ask you for too much so maybe you will do it this one time.
And you'll see some other great comedians. I'm not kidding. The competition on this show is VERY
tough. I will be surprised if I make it to next week!!
This song is called, "Interracial Cop Friends" and was my entry for last week's
"MUSIC IS A JOKE" musical comedy competition at Stand Up NY.
I put in my all and my best. I also wore a nice striped jacket to show that I'm serious
about what I do for a living. And hey, it worked. I made it to the next round!
Next week's theme is HARRY POTTER. Stupid theme! Let's see what I can do with it.
In the meantime, please go to this website and VOTE FOR ME if you love me. You don't have
to watch the whole video, just scroll down to the bottom and vote for me, unless you want
to hear my new song about "Interracial Cop Friends" that I wrote on my flying V ukelele.
I hope ya like it, I wrote it with love in my heart as my contribution to race relations on planet Earth.
If you want to come see the show next Monday, it's at 8:30 at Stand Up NY, 78th and Broadway.
It's free to get in if you say you voted, but you still have to buy a coupla drinks which might run you
about 20 smackers. But I don't ask you for too much so maybe you will do it this one time.
And you'll see some other great comedians. I'm not kidding. The competition on this show is VERY
tough. I will be surprised if I make it to next week!!
Monday, February 2, 2009
A hearty congrats to the awesome Jeff Stark on his super creative and fun play, "IRT: A Tragedy In Three Stations" which
I saw on opening night. The play features Art Star Michelle Carlo who plays a great MTA worker and other familiar faces and takes place on platforms and subway cars between Manhattan and Brooklyn.
I'd encourage you to go see it but it's SOLD OUT.
You can read all about it in today's NY Times HERE, though.
A hearty congrats to the awesome Jeff Stark on his super creative and fun play, "IRT: A Tragedy In Three Stations" which
I saw on opening night. The play features Art Star Michelle Carlo who plays a great MTA worker and other familiar faces and takes place on platforms and subway cars between Manhattan and Brooklyn.
I'd encourage you to go see it but it's SOLD OUT.
You can read all about it in today's NY Times HERE, though.

That's right! It's a children's show for adults. How very exciting! Do join in the fun! Huzzah!
The Jessica Delfino Dirty Folk Rock Show
Episode 2: It's Important To Be Beautiful (2 shows)
Thursday, Feb. 12 @ 10 PM -- Slipper Room
Wednesday, Feb. 18 @ 8 PM -- Glasslands, Brooklyn, NY
In this monthly children's show for adults, you will be info-tained, enter-mused, and be-twinkled by the cast of local celebrity guests, crafts, magical silliness, songs, videos, jokes and the sheer terrific-ness of it all. A totally new show every month! Like Mr. Roger's Neighborhood if he came back from Vietnam, had a sex change and decided to start playing the ukelele. In Episode 2: It's Important To Be Beautiful, we examine beauty in our society and mock, uhh, err, we mean, learn about its' roles through puppetry, dance explosions, comedy, crafts and cleavage. Featuring a stellar line up -- Carla Rhodes, Rosie Rebel, World Famous *BOB*, Victor Varnado, Diane O'Debra and more! Also featuring snappy commentary on the fashion industry by CNN's Angry Bob, and zesty movement from Faux Maux and other special guests. Warning: This show is for big kids only!! (21+)
And stay tuned for March's Episode 3: Mythical Creatures Can Teach You Things. More details to come...

a great variety show starring comedy and burlesque rising stars
@ 308 Bowery, NYC
Wednesday, Feb. 11 @ 10 PM
with too many special guests to list
and sketch comedy by the FFF
(Diane O'Debra, Steph Sabelli, Jessica Delfino)
Click here to see a couple of our videos:
Here it is with a face lift:
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