Tuesday, March 16, 2010


My sister Abby and and brother in law Brian welcomed their first child into the world today, a tiny, miniature sized human named Arabel. She is really cool looking in the photo. She's not freaking out or crying, just chillin' in her swaddling clothing, all hip in the latest newborn infant fashions, looking totally photo ready. I don't even look that good in photos after an hour of pre-prep and stuff. And she just popped out jazzed for her close up. She looks smart, too. I just judged that baby by her covers. 

I'm so excited to be the wacky, weird aunt who lets Arabel do all the stuff at my house that her mom and dad won't let her do -- eat candy before bed, watch HBO, all that good stuff, just like my wacky weird aunts used to let me do. I'm so happy and looking forward to all the good times together we have coming. 

Abby called me yesterday morning and said she was in the hospital, going into labor. She was having contractions so she'd have to pause every few minutes to be in a lot of pain. It made me feel badly to hear my sister in pain, but I was so honored that she called me to let me know it was time. I'm the oldest of our roost (6 girls!), but Abby is the first in our "litter" to have a baby. 

Pregnancy Warning: 

My sister said that giving birth hurt a LOT. I was afraid of that. I was hoping she'd be like, yeah, it wasn't as bad as they all say. Dammit. I should have had a kid when I was really young and too stupid to know it was going to be a big to do. But that's why I put it off, because even then I knew it was going to be really painful and a lot of hard work.

Congratulations Abby, Brian and baby Arabel. Welcome to the world. Though I've been wishing myself these things for awhile now to no avail, Arabel, I wish you health, wealth and wisdom. May your dreams come true for you. 

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