I was very ecstatic after feeling like the least famous person (like an old sausage) on the panel
at Match Game Live last Sunday alongside such stars as Judy Gold, Michael Musto, Frank DeCaro,
Hannibal Burress and Becky Donohue -- to have a friend approach me with not one, but TWO
magazines featuring -- that's right -- ME!
First, I was honored to be included in the cover story of City Scoops Magazine:

Photo Credit -- Jessica Delfino as Bilge Baron by Crystal Selbee
Next, I was delighted (and honored too) to be part of this triad story in CLAM Magazine (it's really almost TOO fitting of a magazine for me!)

Top it off with a SWEET little article in Digital City written by the super fab Corn Mo, it's shaping up as
a pretty fat week of press, and it's not even Wednesday yet.

As you can possibly imagine, it's not EASY to get any press up in this bitch of a world. So it felt
pretty super awesome to see these pieces.
Thanks to Corn Mo, Larry Getlin and Ghurron Briscoe.
xs and os,
PS -- Whatcha doin Sun July 5 (day after July 4?)
Come see my run through of my Scotland show, "I Wanna Be Famous"
at Bowery Poetry Club, 308 Bowery, 6 pm (early show)
$5! Free yummy baked goods (last time it was cocoa banana cake) and
please stay after for a Q&A and fill out a customer service form with your
feedback about the show.
And don't forget Skits'N'Tits, Wed, July 8, 10 PM with FREE PBR at 12-12:30 am!!!! What? Yes!!!