I Know What I Did Last Weekend

I had a zombie adventure in Princeton, NJ. More details to come.
And here's something fun to read that someone sent me via the internet: An old Arthur Mag review written by Byron Coley and Thurston Moore - in case you don't know,
Thurston Moore = Sonic Youth.
Reading this review still brings tears of joy to my eyes.
Are those real zombies? What is going on in that photo?
No, they aren't real zombies. But in this song, I'm singing them all to sleep. Little known fact: Zombies can't resist quirky, deranged folk ditties. Knocks em right out.
I'll have to remember that next time I'm being attacked by zombies!
Yeah, or you could just out run them. Anyone who is stupid enough to get caught by a zombie deserves whatever is coming to them. They move slower than an MTA subway train. (boom, that one got a little political!)
Hey, don't insult zombies, they are people too, even if they are dead.
They don't look glazed doughnut-y enough....
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